Monday, May 21, 2007

The Devil made me do it

Hey, if God can tell the president to go to war, is it that far-fetched that Satan ordered this guy to microwave his baby?
Devil to blame for burns, mom says

A woman blames the devil and not her husband for the severe burning of their infant daughter, who police say was put in a microwave, a Houston television station reported.

Eva Marie Mauldin said Satan compelled her 19-year-old husband, Joshua Royce Mauldin of Warren, Ark., to microwave their 2-month-old daughter May 10 in a Galveston motel because the devil disapproved of Joshua's efforts to become a preacher.

"My husband is a wonderful father," Eva Mauldin, 20, told KHOU-TV. "Satan was working through his weaknesses."

She has set up a MySpace page, "Joshua Mauldin is not a Monster," to defend her husband.

A Galveston County grand jury indicted Joshua Mauldin last week on child injury charges.

The infant, Ana Marie, remains hospitalized with burns.

Texas Child Protective Services is trying to sever Eva and Joshua Mauldin's parental rights. A custody hearing is scheduled this week in state district court in Galveston.
Horrifying story, idiotic excuse.

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